Opalescence™ Whitening


Prairie Point Dental - Aurora offers two options for professional tooth whitening: In-office application of the Opalescence Boost™ system or making custom whitening trays for use with Opalescence™ take-home gel. Both methods can reach the brighter, stain-free smile you deserve!

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Tooth Whitening | Aurora, IL | Prairie Point Dental


Opalescence Boost™ is a popular in-office teeth-whitening procedure that offers patients a safe and efficient way to achieve a brighter, whiter smile. This professional whitening system is known for its effectiveness and convenience, making it a popular choice for those seeking immediate and noticeable results. The procedure is performed in the comfort of the dental office, ensuring a controlled and supervised environment. The dentist will isolate the teeth from the surrounding tissues and apply a protective barrier to the gums to minimize the risk of sensitivity during the procedure.

Opalescence Boost™ utilizes a potent, chemically activated whitening gel containing a unique potassium nitrate and fluoride blend. The chemical reaction effectively breaks down and lifts stains and discoloration from the tooth enamel, resulting in a visibly brighter smile.

One of the critical advantages of Opalescence Boost™ is its quick and efficient nature. The entire in-office whitening procedure typically takes about an hour, making it an ideal option for individuals with busy lifestyles looking for a rapid enhancement to their smile. 

Patients may experience temporary tooth sensitivity following the procedure, which is generally short-lived. The dentist may provide post-whitening care instructions, including recommendations for at-home maintenance to prolong the results. Opalescence Boost™ is often praised for significantly improving whitening in a single session, leaving patients with a radiant and confident smile.

It's important for individuals considering teeth whitening to consult with their dentist to determine the most suitable option for their needs and to ensure a safe and effective outcome. Opalescence Boost™ is a popular choice for those seeking professional, in-office teeth whitening with impressive and immediate results.


Custom tray tooth whitening with Opalescence™ gel is an excellent option for individuals seeking a professional and customizable at-home teeth-whitening experience. This method involves the creation of custom-fitted trays that fit over the teeth, ensuring even distribution of the whitening gel. After an initial consultation to assess oral health, the dentist takes impressions of the patient's teeth to craft personalized trays.

Opalescence™ gel, known for its effectiveness and variety of strengths, is then dispensed into the trays. Patients wear these trays at home for a specified amount each day, allowing the whitening agent to gently penetrate the enamel and break down stains. The custom-fit trays offer comfort and precision, preventing the gel from contacting the gums and minimizing the risk of sensitivity.

This at-home whitening method allows individuals to whiten their teeth at their own pace, and the gradual process helps reduce sensitivity often associated with other whitening methods. Patients can expect gradual improvement over a few weeks, with results rivaling those achieved through in-office procedures. Regular check-ins with the dentist ensure the process is proceeding smoothly and adjustments can be made as needed. Custom tray tooth whitening with Opalescence™ gel offers a balance between professional guidance and the convenience of at-home treatment, allowing individuals to achieve a brilliantly white smile on their terms.

Get your teeth whitening services scheduled with Prairie Point Dental today, and contact us at 630-820-2020!

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